Does your bathroom need an upgrade? Here are 6 signs that it’s time to think about a remodel.

Does your bathroom need an upgrade? Here are 6 signs that it’s time to think about a remodel.

There comes a time when you realize that the shiny new home you bought years ago is starting to show the signs of wear and tear. Over the years, one room that will show the most signs of use is your bathroom. Your bathroom is typically used by many different people every day, and outside of the kitchen, it is probably one of the most used rooms in the house. After a while, fixtures, walls, and paint will start to deteriorate and you’ll decide it might be time to start thinking about a remodel. Here are a few of the signs to look out for so you know when a remodel might be around the corner. 


Cracks – 

Cracks are a common occurrence in bathrooms due to the materials typically used as well as the activities that usually take place. Shower stalls, bathtubs, and sinks are all prone to cracking and can lead to serious and expensive issues down the line. Not to mention how aesthetically unappealing they are. When you notice a crack in any of the structures or fixtures in your bathroom, you should get it looked at and fixed as soon as possible to avoid extensive damage and worse financial burdens in the future. 


Mold – 

Mold is something you definitely want to watch out for and address as soon as you see any signs. A lot of times, mold will develop as a result of too much moisture and lack of proper ventilation. Much like the fixtures in your bathroom, cracks can form in the walls as well and will allow mold to start seeping through. This is not only unpleasant to look at, but also poses a dangerous health hazard. Finding mold is an indication that the structural integrity of your bathroom is questionable and needs to be remodeled as soon as possible.


The Layout –

Considering how often your bathroom is used, functionality should play a large role in how your bathroom is structured. Planning the layout of your bathroom to meet your specific needs will increase the functionality of the room, and make you a lot happier in the long run. Most people think that even if the bathroom isn’t exactly how they’d like it to be, it also isn’t worth the hassle to remodel. I think a lot of people would be surprised at how important it actually is to enjoy the layout of a room that you use multiple times every day. If you find yourself wishing the layout of your bathroom was set up to better fit your needs, it might be time to think about moving forward with the remodel. 


Outdated Design – 

Having an outdated design is a great reason to think about doing a remodel. It could just be because you want to keep up with the current design trends in your home, your taste has changed since you first bought or built your house, or maybe you intend to sell it at some point. Either way, a remodel is a great way to keep things fresh and exciting. Who doesn’t love a fresh update every once in a while?


Storage Space –

Lack of storage space is also a sign it might be time to remodel. It’s always best to have an abundance of storage space in any home, and especially in a place such as your bathroom where you spend a decent amount of time and store things such as towels, toiletries, etc. It’s always hard when there’s not enough storage in a bathroom to keep things and you have to find somewhere else in your home to store all of your bathroom related items. Adding something as easy as a shelving unit built into the wall or a small linen closet can create a significant amount of extra space for storage.


Issues with leaky fixtures – 

If you start to notice the fixtures in your bathroom are leaking, it is time to have it looked at and consider a remodel. Leaky fixtures can quickly lead to much larger issues if it is not taken care of. Flooding and rotting are the biggest concerns, but it can also affect your water bill as well. If you find a leak in the sink, shower, or toilet, it could mean your pipes are also leaking and the sooner it is fixed, the better off you’ll be from a financial standpoint.


If you’re thinking about a remodel in the Sacramento area, reach out to Vinson today and we can assist you. 

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